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Risk Assessment 
HCC259: Nettlebed - Pishill 18.23 miles
By: RM
Date: 06/03/2017
Course Description:
Start at the northern end of the entrance to Manor Farm 300 yards north of the Dog Public Proceed north on the B481 to the roundabout at Nettlebed Take the second exit (M1) onto the A4130 and proceed towards Henley to the junction with the B480 signposted Assendons and Stonor approximately 1 mile before Henley Turn left (M2) (CARE) and proceed through Assendons and Stonor to climb Pishill to the T junction with the B481 Turn left (M3) onto the B481 and proceed via Cookley Green to Nettlebed to the T junction with the A4130 Turn left (M4) onto the A4130 and proceed for about 250 years to the roundabout in Nettlebed Take the second exit at the roundabout (M5) and proceed on the B481 to Rotherfield Peppard to finish opposite the entrance to Manor Farm at the southern end of the entrance to Rotherfield Utd Boys Football Club at a point in the road next to the 30mph speed limit sign.
Marshals referred to in this course description (M1, M2) etc may be provided solely to indicate the course direction. They have no role whatsoever in the risk assessment itself.
Traffic Flows: Traffic flows for this course are considered to be within CTT guidelines.
Course Restrictions: Consult LWDC Secretary
Course History: None

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